by kapi | Aug 26, 2018 | Traveling
From Revelstoke I started to hitchhike east and got a ride to Glacier National park in British Colombia (there is also a one down in United States). I was luck that one day the smoke cleared and I could see all the mountains around when I went up by Avalanche Crest... Read more
by kapi | Aug 18, 2018 | Traveling
My journey is going forward and from Thunder Bay I got up to proximity of Winnipeg by a single car. It’s good finally to cross Ontario after so many days there. Then I got another ride to the city where I used buses to get to my accommodation. In a way there I texted... Read more
by kapi | Aug 5, 2018 | Traveling
I’ll now continue where I finished on the last post. At the end I’ve stayed in Halifax two weeks and meet with pretty much everyone I wanted and who wanted to meet with me. It felt good to be back for a bit as I still consider the city as one of my hometowns. The main... Read more
by kapi | Jul 18, 2018 | Traveling
After a long time, I’m on a longer trip and there are some people which are interested to know about it and how I’m doing. Thus, I’m going to write a little bit again something here and maybe add some notes from previous trips which I wanted to write but didn’t feel... Read more
by kapi | Feb 17, 2016 | Traveling
I’ve finally finished subtitles for short movie from the trip and published it. You can see it below. Also to fill the gap from my last port I’m going to write a bit what happened once I stopped... Read more